
Welcome to SSVP

Special Situations Venture Partners Funds invest in companies with a healthy core, often profitable, but either in a succession situation or in a situation of underperformance, balance sheet distress, untapped development potential or fundamental transition (“Special Situation”).

The Funds will seek to make investments in companies, debt and related assets involving Special Situations. The investment focus of the Funds will be mainly in controlling stakes in such enterprises or assets which have a sound fundamental core but which are either in complex transaction structures including succession and carve-out situations, however still profitable (“pearls with blemishes”) or in a situation of underperformance, balance sheet distress, with liquidity problems, and which have all repositioning and /or earnings improvement potential. The Funds will seek to invest principally in Companies with activities in Germany, and German-speaking countries in Europe like Switzerland and Austria as well as in the Nordic countries comprising Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.


Orlando Management GmbH and Orlando Nordics AB are the leading private equity investment advisors for Special Situations investments in the DACH and Nordic region. Orlando is the exclusive advisor of all SSVP funds. For more information: www.orlando-management.com