Buderus Guss / Duktus

Buderus Guss / Duktus

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Buderus Guss GmbH (today renamed as “Duktus Rohrsysteme Wetzlar GmbH”) was a wholly owned subsidiary of Buderus AG, which in turn was a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH. Bosch sold Buderus Guss with its casting activities comprising Cast Iron Pipe Systems, Sewage Castings, Separators, Nering Bögel, Cast Iron Components, Special Casting, Precision Casting, and Art Casting to SSVP in 2004. Buderus Guss was an integrated iron-casting group whose operations comprised two major activities: – Iron casting for the construction sector (civil and underground engineering) including Cast Iron Pipe Systems, Sewage Casting, Separators and Nering Bögel – Iron casting for the industrial sector including Cast Iron Components, Special Casting and Precision Casting. While the business units of the iron casting business for the industrial sector were integrated into various strategic buyers the iron casting business for the construction sector was sold in two steps in 2008 and 2013 by SSVP I and II and operates today under the name “Duktus”.