• tedrive

    By on 9. Januar 2018

    tedrive was an automotive supplier with 80% sales directly and indirectly to Ford for steering systems, halfshafts and differentials….

  • Pallhuber

    By on 8. Januar 2018

    Pallhuber, headquartered in Langenlonsheim in Germany, is the leading direct sales and direct marketing company for wine and high-quality…

  • solvadis

    By on 7. Januar 2018

    solvadis is one of the most important partners for the chemicals and chemical-processing industry in the distribution of specialty…

  • Buderus Guss / Duktus

    By on 6. Januar 2018

    Buderus Guss GmbH (today renamed as “Duktus Rohrsysteme Wetzlar GmbH”) was a wholly owned subsidiary of Buderus AG, which…

  • SaarGummi

    By on 5. Januar 2018

    SaarGummi Group is a leading supplier of car body sealing systems for the automotive industry and operates from a…

  • Bally Wulff

    By on 4. Januar 2018

    Bally Wulff was owned by Alliance Gaming Corporation, Las Vegas, U.S., a leading operator of casinos and route operations…

  • Pickenpack Hussmann & Hahn

    By on 3. Januar 2018

    Pickenpack Hussmann & Hahn Seafood Company is one of Europe’s largest companies specializing in the production and marketing of…

  • Weidemann

    By on 2. Januar 2018

    Weidemann, located in Diemelsee, Germany, is a leading manufacturer of compact, flexible-use wheel loaders. SSVP acquired 100% of the…

  • Forstinger

    By on 1. Januar 2018

    Forstinger, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is the leading Austrian retailer for car and bike accessories as well as a…

  • Vivonio

    By on 18. August 2017

    Vivonio furniture group combines seven furniture manufacturers and represents the leading buy-and-build platform in the German furniture manufacturing segment….
